

  • n. 服装;女装
  • v. 打扮;穿衣;穿着;给(某人)穿衣
  • 详细解释
    1. 衣服,服装,服饰,衣着,装束
    2. 女装,女服,连衣裙(女人常穿的外衣,一般与裙子相连),外衣
    3. 覆盖物
    4. 童装
    5. 礼服,正装,盛装
    6. 羽毛
    7. 外表,外形,形式
    1. 打扮,装饰,修饰
    2. 穿衣(服),穿(晚)礼服,穿盛装,(使)穿着,使穿衣,给...穿衣
    3. 包扎(伤处),给敷药,给(伤口)敷药,敷裹
    4. 布置
    5. 加工,处理
    6. 替...做衣服
    7. 整,整装,整队
    8. 调制(色拉)
    9. 制作(菜),烹调(饮食),做(菜)
    10. 【军】看齐
    11. 梳理(头发),梳刷
    1. [C]连衣裙 garment for a woman or girl, consisting of a bodice and skirt in one piece
    2. [U]衣服,服装 clothes, especially outer garments for either men or women
    1. vt. & vi. 给…穿衣,穿着 put clothes on oneself or sb else
    2. vt. & vi. 装饰,打扮 ornament; brush and comb
    1. a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice

    2. clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion;

      \\\"formal attire\\\"
      \\\"battle dress\\\"

    3. clothing in general;

      \\\"she was refined in her choice of apparel\\\"
      \\\"he always bought his clothes at the same store\\\"
      \\\"fastidious about his dress\\\"

    1. suitable for formal occasions;

      \\\"formal wear\\\"
      \\\"a full-dress uniform\\\"
      \\\"dress shoes\\\"

    2. (of an occasion) requiring formal clothes;

      \\\"a dress dinner\\\"
      \\\"a full-dress ceremony\\\"

    1. put on clothes;

      \\\"we had to dress quickly\\\"
      \\\"dress the patient\\\"
      \\\"Can the child dress by herself?\\\"

    2. provide with clothes or put clothes on;

      \\\"Parents must feed and dress their child\\\"

    3. put a finish on;

      \\\"dress the surface smooth\\\"

    4. dress in a certain manner;

      \\\"She dresses in the latest Paris fashion\\\"
      \\\"he dressed up in a suit and tie\\\"

    5. dress or groom with elaborate care;

      \\\"She likes to dress when going to the opera\\\"

    6. kill and prepare for market or consumption;

      \\\"dress a turkey\\\"

    7. arrange in ranks;

      \\\"dress troops\\\"

    8. decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods

    9. provide with decoration;

      \\\"dress the windows\\\"

    10. put a dressing on;

      \\\"dress the salads\\\"

    11. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of;

      \\\"dress the plants in the garden\\\"

    12. cut down rough-hewn (lumber) to standard thickness and width

    13. convert into leather;

      \\\"dress the tanned skins\\\"

    14. apply a bandage or medication to;

      \\\"dress the victim\\\'s wounds\\\"

    15. give a neat appearance to;

      \\\"groom the dogs\\\"
      \\\"dress the horses\\\"

    16. arrange attractively;

      \\\"dress my hair for the wedding\\\"

    1. She wears a beautiful evening dress.
    2. She wore a diamond clip on her new dress.
    1. They tried to dress him up as a\\\"national hero\\\".
    2. She always dresses in black.
    3. She is parading the hall in her new dress.
    4. Li Mei is wearing a yellow dress today.
    5. I dress my sister and wash her hands and face.
    dress down (v.+adv.)
      责骂,斥责 scold; tell off
      dress down

      She dressed down to visit her poor relatives, so as not to offend them by a show of her wealth.


      dress sb ⇔ down

      The father dressed his boy down for his carelessness.


      The manager dressed the worker down for his carelessness.


      For not obeying discipline, the soldier was dressed down by the officer.


      The office boy was dressed down for his insolence.


    dress for (v.+prep.)
      (为某一场合)穿适当的衣服 dress up for some goals (wedding, party, etc.)
      dress for sth

      Try to dress appropriately for each occasion.


      He dressed for dinner.


      Tell the guests not to dress for dinner.


      How should we dress for the party?


      Do I need to dress for the theatre?


      If you\\\'re going to climb mountains, you\\\'d better take advice on how to dress for it.


    dress in (v.+prep.)
      穿着…衣服 wear; put on
      dress oneself/sb in sth

      We are going to dress the baby in new clothes and take her to the park.


      He\\\'s dressed in silk.


      Jane is always dressed in red.


      We must be dressed in uniform at school.


      They were dressed in their Sunday best.


      The young man was dressed in a white satin clothes and wore a hat covered with an ostrich plume.


    dress out (v.+adv.)
      装饰,美化 ornament (sth); make (sth) more beautiful and cheerful
      dress sth ⇔ out

      The street was dressed out in flags when the victory was won.


    dress up (v.+adv.)
      〈军〉将(士兵)排成一列 arrange (soldiers) in a straight line
      dress up

      She often dresses up and goes out at night.


      They dressed up for the occasion.


      They all dressed up to take part in the New Year\\\'s party.


      Are we going to dress up for the wedding, or is it informal?


      She dressed up in Miao clothes.


      dress sb/sth ⇔ up

      They dressed the children up.


      The mother dressed her daughter up like a princess.


      She dressed her children up for the festival.


      The girl has dressed up her hair.


      We shall dress the room up for Christmas.


      He dressed up his statement to deceive the voters.


      She hated being dressed up.


      dress sb/sth ⇔ up as n\\\\u002e

      Tom dressed up the story and made it seem twice as interesting as it was.


      dress oneself/sb ⇔ up as n\\\\u002e

      She dressed herself up as a ghost.


      The children dressed themselves up as pirates.


      She was dressed up as a lady of high society.


      dress up

      The children enjoy dressing up in Mother\\\'s old clothes.


      dress sb ⇔ up

      Dress up the men so that the general can see them.


    用作名词 (n.)
    • adjust dress 整衣
    • buy a dress 买件上衣
    • care about dress 注意衣着
    • change a dress 换外衣
    • clean a dress 洗净衣服
    • cut dress 裁衣服
    • do up a dress 把上衣扣好
    • get dress 买衣服
    • iron a dress 熨衣服
    • let out dress 放大衣服
    • make a dress 做衣服
    • put on dress 披上衣服
    • spoil dress 损坏衣服
    • take off a dress 脱下上衣
    • think less about dress 不注意衣着
    • tidy dress 整理衣服
    • try on a dress 试穿衣服
    • undo dress 解开衣服
    • wash a dress 洗衣服
    • wear a dress 穿外衣
    • adorable dress 极可爱的衣服
    • airy dress 使人凉爽的衣服
    • alluring dress 迷人的衣服
    • azure dress 天蓝色的衣服
    • ballerina dress 芭蕾舞女演员的衣服
    • beaded dress 珠串装饰的衣服
    • beautiful dress 漂亮的外衣
    • blue dress 蓝色的衣服
    • boyish dress 男孩穿的衣服
    • bridal dress 新娘穿的衣服
    • bright-coloured dress 色彩鲜艳的衣服
    • brocade dress 织锦的衣服
    • ceremonial dress 礼服
    • charming dress 漂亮的衣服
    • cheap dress 价钱便宜的上衣,廉价的外衣
    • classical dress 古典服装
    • clean dress 干净的外衣
    • conspicuous dress 过分花哨的衣服
    • convenient dress 方便的衣服
    • conventional dress 传统的衣服
    • costly dress 昂贵的衣服
    • creased dress 皱折的衣服
    • daring dress 大胆的衣服
    • decent dress 体面的衣服
    • decorous dress 礼服
    • delicate dress 雅致的衣服
    • delicious dress 有趣的衣服
    • detailed dress 装饰精细的服装
    • different dress 不同的衣服
    • dirty dress 脏衣服
    • distinctive dress 有特色的衣服
    • easy dress 舒适的衣服
    • elaborate dress 考究的衣服
    • elegant dress 优雅的衣服
    • exceptional dress 特殊的衣服
    • extraordinary dress 极不寻常的衣服
    • extravagant dress 奢侈的衣服
    • fantastical dress 奇特的衣服
    • fashionable dress 流行的衣服
    • favorite dress 最喜爱的衣服
    • female dress 妇女服装
    • festive dress 节日服装
    • fitted dress 合身的衣服
    • flame dress 鲜艳的衣服
    • flashy dress 俗丽的衣服
    • flattering dress 讨人喜欢的衣服
    • fleshly dress 肉色的衣服
    • flowered dress 用花装饰的衣服
    • flowering dress 华丽的衣服
    • formal dress 礼服
    • fresh dress 颜色鲜艳的衣服
    • full dress 大礼服
    • gleaming dress 闪光的衣服
    • gorgeous dress 华丽的衣服
    • hideous dress 难看的衣服
    • homely dress 简朴的衣服
    • indecent dress 粗劣的衣服
    • insufficient dress 单薄的衣服
    • lively dress 活泼的衣服
    • loose dress 宽大的衣服
    • modern dress 现代的衣服
    • national dress 民族衣服
    • new dress 新衣服
    • nice dress 精美的衣服
    • official dress 官方的衣服
    • ordinary dress 平常的衣服
    • plain dress 朴素的衣服
    • private dress 便衣
    • queer dress 奇装异服
    • ragged dress 破旧的衣服
    • rainy dress 雨衣
    • simple dress 朴素的衣服
    • soft dress 柔软的衣服
    • suitable dress 合体的衣服
    • tasteful dress 有情趣的衣服
    • wedding dress 婚礼服
    • white dress 白色的衣服
    • yellow dress 黄色的衣服
    • battle dress 战斗服
    • country dress 乡下的衣服
    • court dress 宫廷的衣服
    • evening dress 晚礼服
    • fatigue dress 工作服
    • holiday dress 节日的服装
    • night dress 睡衣
    • spring dress 春装
    • student dress 学生服
    • summer dress 夏装
    • dress affair 须穿礼服的场合
    • dress circle 戏院的前排包厢
    • dress coat 燕尾服
    • dress form 陈列女服的半身体模型
    • dress goods 妇女衣料
    • dress guard 护衣装置
    • dress improver 托裙腰垫
    • dress maker 女服裁缝
    • dress parade 阅兵式
    • dress pattern 服装样板
    • dress preserver 护衣汗衫
    • dress rehearsal 彩排
    • dress shirt 女衬衫
    • dress shoes 穿礼服时穿的鞋
    • dress smock 披风
    • dress suit 礼服衬衫
    • in dress 穿衣服
    • with one\\\'s dress tucked up 撩起衣服
    用作动词 (v.)
    • dress a Christmas tree 装饰圣诞树
    • dress a crop 给作物施肥
    • dress a doll 给洋娃娃穿衣
    • dress a field 为田地施肥
    • dress leather 处理皮革
    • dress one\\\'s hair 梳理头发
    • dress ranks 整队
    • dress the salad 拌沙拉
    • dress the shop windows 布置商店橱窗
    • dress the streets 装饰街道
    • dress a wound 包扎伤口
    • dress well 穿得好
    • dress absurdly 穿得可笑
    • dress brilliantly 衣着华丽
    • dress cheaply 穿得廉价
    • dress colourfully 打扮得花枝招展
    • dress conservatively 穿着保守
    • dress daringly 穿着大胆
    • dress decently 穿得得体
    • dress distinctively 穿着有特色
    • dress elegantly 穿得优美
    • dress expensively 穿得昂贵
    • dress exquisitely 穿得精巧
    • dress finely 穿得漂亮
    • dress fully 穿得充分
    • dress hastily 穿得仓促
    • dress heavily 穿着厚实
    • dress immaculately 穿得纯洁
    • dress inexpensively 穿得便宜
    • dress lightly 穿得轻便
    • dress luxuriously 穿得非常舒适
    • dress nicely 穿得美好
    • dress plainly 穿得朴素
    • dress poorly 衣着寒酸
    • dress properly 穿得恰当
    • dress quaintly 穿得离奇
    • dress quietly 穿得朴素
    • dress respectably 穿得体面
    • dress shabbily 穿得破旧
    • dress smartly 穿得时髦
    • dress stylishly 穿得时髦
    • dress suitably 穿得合适
    • dress thickly 穿得厚厚地
    • dress usually 常穿
    • dress warmly 穿得暖暖地
    • dress down 严加训斥,鞭打,给马梳刷
    • dress out 穿上盛装,装饰船等,包扎伤口
    • dress up (给…)穿上盛装,(把…)打扮得漂亮,化妆,乔装
    • dress above (one\\\'s circumstances) 衣着超过(自己的境况)
    • dress after the English fashion 按英国式样打扮
    • dress as 穿…的服装,使穿得像
    • dress as a sailor 穿着海员的服装
    • dress as a woman 穿得像女人一样
    • dress for 为(某场合)穿上礼服
    • dress for dinner 穿礼服赴宴
    • dress in (使)穿…的服装
    • dress in a uniform 穿着制服
    • dress in black 穿着黑色的服装
    • dress in blue 穿蓝色的衣服
    • dress in dark glasses 戴着墨镜
    • dress in Sunday best 穿上最漂亮的衣服
    • dress with flags 悬挂着旗帜
    • clothes
    • clothing
    • costume
    • frock
    • skirt
    • v.
    • clothe
    • garb
    • undress
    • n. 服装;女装
    • v. 打扮;穿衣;穿着;给(某人)穿衣
    dress in
    • (使)穿 ... 的服装
    • adj. 打扮好的;穿着衣服的
    • 动词dress的过去式和过去分词.
    • 敷料剂
    dress shirt
    • 礼服衬衫
    dress code
    • 着装规定
    • n. 穿衣;打扮;敷料;包扎;调料;填料;肥料
    • dress的现在分词
    dress up
    • v. 穿上盛装;打扮得漂漂亮亮;伪装
    dress rehearsal
    • n. 彩排
    dressed to kill
    • 穿着极炫目的衣服吸引异性
    • n. 花样骑术
    dress designer
    • 服装设计师
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